Portland Center
of Self-Realization Fellowship
January 2025
On Sunday January 5th, Portland Center will hold a Commemorative Service honoring the birthday of Paramahansa Yogananda at 11:00 a.m., replacing the Reading Service that day. Bringing the customary flower offering is optional as rose petals will be available. A monetary donation in an envelope showing loyalty to the Guru and his teachings is also traditional. Sunday School children will have a special service as well. Birthday cake will be served at noon, when children and adults will gather in the Sunday School room.
Saturday January 11 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Portland Center will hold an All-Day Meditation dedicated to Paramahansa Yogananda. The Holiday Flyer and Portland Center’s website provide important information about longer meditations such as this one. Please arrive early enough to get settled before 10 a.m., after which no new entries will be allowed. There will be a break at 1:00 p.m. If you can only attend for half a day, we ask that you come in the morning.
Sunday January 12 there will be a General Membership meeting immediately following the Inspirational Service to discuss the opening on the Managing Council, Portland Center’s organizational structure, safety and security suggestions, hours for special services, operations and opportunities to serve.
The Calendar of Services – including these dates and events and service topics for the full first quarter of 2025 – is available in the foyer.
The Book Room will be open after the Inspirational Service. Remember that cash payments are no longer accepted.
Please continue to use street parking and watch for further announcements about possible parking options going forward.
Some of our Portland Center members are forming a Young Adults Group for devotees ages 18 to 40. If you are interested in cultivating Divine Fellowship on your journey back to God, uplifting each other in our spiritual practices focused on Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings, please send an email to portlandcentersrf@gmail.com.
Online classes for youth ages 9-17 will be offered twice per month by SRF Youth Services, starting September 14th. Registration is ongoing. Please see the SRF website for details.
We encourage everyone to read Portland Center’s current e-newsletter, which contains important and inspiring information. You may sign up on our website or fill out a form at the Newcomers Desk, if you aren’t already receiving it.
If you would like to help out with the Center, there is a wonderful variety of ways to be involved. The volunteer coordinator can help you identify an area that fits your interests, skills, and time availability. Please fill out a volunteer form at the table in the foyer or talk to anyone serving.​
With Covid infections rapidly increasing in Oregon, if you are feeling ill please be considerate of your fellow devotees by wearing a mask or staying at home and participating through the online meditation center.
To see the new features on the SRF/YSS app make sure to update your app. For more information about the improved SRF/YSS app visit: Yogananda.org/App.
​Our book room is open after services every Sunday. We just received a new shipment of some beautiful pictures of Master and copies of the wonderful Spiritual Diary. This beautiful daily companion is a joyful and reverent way to start each day. A reminder as we move away from cash transactions, that debit, credit cards and checks are preferred and much appreciated.
Thank you for supporting Portland Center with your skills and financial donations. If you would like to contribute online, you can send funds through Zelle to portlandcenterdonations@gmail.com or you may write a check. Checks payable to "Portland Center" will be deposited locally and support our Center's activities and expenses. Checks payable to "Self-Realization Fellowship" are sent to SRF headquarters in Los Angeles, to support SRF's worldwide activities. Checks may be mailed to our address at 356 NE 80th Avenue, Portland 97213.
Portland Center's website now includes a new section about the history of the Portland Center of SRF, originally compiled by the late Kent Hathaway. Follow the Home page tab to the “Our Center” page.
A reminder that our chapel is open every Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 9:30 for silent individual meditation. As this is not a conducted meditation, one my come and go at any time.
Our Kirtan Group leads the Sunday morning services on the last Sunday of each month, beginning at 8:00 with the SRF Energization Exercises. You may also enter or leave during periods of chanting at 9:00 and 10:00.
Also, those who wish to stay in the chapel a little longer to enjoy the meditative atmosphere generated during the morning are welcome to do so. We ask those who want to converse with one another after the service to kindly meet in the foyer or the Information Room, to preserve the silence of the chapel. Thank you for your consideration.
If you know of people in need of healing prayers, you may submit their name in the prayer box in the Information Room. These names are submitted confidentially to the Mother Center, where they are prayed for by the monastics every day for three months. You may also request prayers on SRF’s website at www.yogananda.org.
Fragrances can be a problem for people who are allergic to them. Please be mindful of others, and we request that you refrain from wearing fragrances when attending services and events at the Portland Center. Thank you for your understanding.