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Nominations Close on 11/30/23

Secretary and Member-at-Large


Managing Council members: The Managing Council is elected annually by the general membership or appointed directly by Center Department. The council is composed of the Coordinator, Secretary, and Treasurer. If additional help is needed two or more Members at Large can be elected, as is the case with Portland Center. 


Although Managing Council members may have specific, individual duties (such as Treasurer, Secretary, Member-at-Large), their primary responsibility is to work together as a collective unit in coordinating the organizational aspects of the group.


Basic qualifications are regular attendance at Portland Center services, kriyaban status and voting member status.


Nominations may be submitted to


Secretary: The secretary takes minutes at the Managing Council meetings, shares the minutes with the council for approval and sends them to Brother Devananda. The secretary also serves as a liaison with various Portland Center committee chairs and participates in discussions and decision making with the council. Attends and contributes to monthly council meetings (live and Zoom) and communicates via email with council members when needed.  Other tasks may be added depending on the candidate’s abilities and time availability.


Member-at-large:  Participates in decision making; liaison with Portland Center committee chairs; attends and contributes to monthly council meetings (live and Zoom) and communicates via email and/or text with council members when needed. Other tasks may be added depending on the candidate’s abilities and time availability.  


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